What’s on Tap at the SEC and FASB in Equity Compensation
The SEC and FASB have spent much of 2015 finalizing and creating proposals that affect the equity compensation world. After years of speculation, we now have final guidance from the SEC on the CEO pay ratio disclosure. Soon, we may have final guidance on clawbacks and pay for performance. And, after a decade of being live, ASC 718 is about to be revised in some appealing ways and other controversial ways.
This September 24, 2015 webinar tells you what you need to know about four pending regulatory changes.
We discuss:
- ASC 718 revisions: content from public comment letters and expectations for final guidance
- CEO pay ratio: top issues from the finalized guidance
- Pay for performance disclosure: challenges and expected implementation issues
- Clawbacks: enforcement challenges and the perspective of a former litigation consultant
Discover what’s on the horizon and how it can affect both finance and compensation professionals.